Friday, February 22, 2013

wild and domestic animals

                   Wild And Domestic Animals

Wild Animals:

wild animals are those which live in jungle and can't be pets, and have wild nature and could be harmful for mankind.
  1. Lions
  2. and all kind of carnivorous animals

  1. Lions
  • Its Biological Family name is Felidae.
  • Its the biggest cats of its family after tiger with running speed of 49.7mph
  • Its average weight is 440.9lbs and length could be 9.7m
  • Its life time is about 10-14 years.
  • Lioness gave birth to offspirng after the age of 4 years
  • Their gestation period is 110 days
  • Their cubs born blind and can see after roughlly one week and lioness changes their cubs den several times a month.

  • Lions Behavior
Lions spend most of there time in resting. They are the most powerful animals they hunt in group and do there hunting mostly in night, they have rods in there eyes so they can see in night. They kill there prey by pressing their throat, after insuring their death then they start enjoying there prey.

Domestic Animals:

Domestic Animals are those which we can made pet because they are domestic in nature and have a sense to live with men
  1. Cats
  2. Dogs
  3. Rabbits
  4. Birds
  5. Horses
  6. and etc


  1. Its Biological name is Felis Catus
  2. Its average weight is about 4-5 kg
  3. Along with its tail its length become 3.4 feet
  4. Cats have friendly nature
  5. Cats have excellent in night viewing.

Behavior of Cats:

  1. Cats are of two types wild and domestic cats.
  2. They were active in both day and night.
  3. But they tend to be more active on night.
  4. House cats sleep time variers.
  5. Domestics cats use many differnts ways to comunicates with ohter like purring, growling, and differnt style of meowing. while wild cats stay silent
  6. Cats are the most cleaning animal because they know how to clean them-seleves by licking their coat, and spend hourse in doing this.
  7. In cats its has seen that male cats fight more than of females cats.
  8. Cats do hunting but of small animals like birds and house-flies and even of rats.